Monday, September 8, 2008

Big News!

Hey everyone! Sorry i've been out of the picture for a while. We just found out some really exciting news a few weeks ago. Baby Glenn #2 is on the way!!! We're so excited. Baby is due on April 10th. A week from today we will get to hear the heart beat and I can't wait! So, I've been having a lot of all day "morning sickness" and SO unbelievably tired. Poor Morgan has to endure his Mommy being a bit of a slug most days. But, we're making it through. Now we just have to figure out where we're going to put this new lil bean. Our home is starting to feel a bit cramped already. Please pray for health for me and baby, for Morgan adjusting to being a big brother, and for Tim and I as we try to figure out all the financial and space issues. Thanks for sharing our joy!

1 comment:

Jay and Stephanie Adams said...

Congratulations!!!! The best advice I can give is to just enjoy the ride all of the "stuff" works itself out