Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009!

Wow! Where have the last two months gone? Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years have whizzed by and I'm still recovering. I mostly just have some random thoughts today that I thought I would share with whomever cares to listen.

#1 Shouldn't we do wedding showers for anniversary's?

As I was preparing our Thanksgiving dinner using our 14 year old pans, utensils and bowls, I remembered when they were shiney and new. They are now old and out dated, rusted, and a little worse for the wear. It occured to me that it would be so nice to have a wedding shower again where I could register for all the things that I need that have worn out. Wouldn't that be fun--say for every five to ten years that you are married that your friends and family would throw a shower for you? I would love to start that tradition--with me, of course :) After all, marriage is hard enough and with divorce statistics unfortunately being what they are, how about giving each other a little more incentive and reward for sticking it out. Who's with me?

#2 Buy a seat for your toddler on an airplane ride--it's worth the extra money.

We traveled to Texas for part of our Christmas vacation this year. My brother-in-law Gary married a beautiful girl named Stacey. Whereas I was so glad to get to go and witness this miraculous event, the travel left a lot to be desired. Our son, Morgan, is 21 months old, and is still eligible to travel sitting in our laps on the plane. HA! Lesson learned, a 21 month old little boy does not want to sit in your lap peacefully reading books, playing with his toys and eating snacks for a 2 and a half our plane ride. He wants to climb, explore, and interact with all the other people. When he is not allowed to do that, he screams and cries and throws very dramatic temper tantrums. Yea, it was fun, especially since it was a sold out flight both ways.

#3 Throw away your New Years Resolutions

I'm a typical resolution maker every new year. I make grand lists and plans of how I want my life to change and be better and have great intentions of this being the year that I will follow through to the end. Unfortunately, I am also the kind of resolution maker that gives up after only a few days. My husband, Tim, writes posts on Compassion's blog and recently wrote a post on January 5th titled "New Year's Resolutions" that changed my perspective on resolutions. I encourage you check it out. I'm not saying that goal setting is not a good idea, but after reading this, I think you'll agree with me, that our goals can be a little out of proportion compared to some.

That's all of my random thoughts for now. Thanks for indulging me.

Upcoming next week: 3D pics of our lil baby boy on-the-way, Grayson.


Becky said...

Yay! Jen I didn't know you had a blog! I look forward to reading it!


Super Rockstar Momma said...

Thanks Becky! I look forward to checking yours out too!